medical tests

  • medical week is over

        Yesterday's colonoscopy went well. The sedative made me sleepy, but alert, I watched most of the procedure on the monitor & there was hardly any pain. The dr. didn't find anything suspicious, so unless the biopsies shows different, there's nothing going on but my usual u.colitis. Everyone at the clinic was nice, dealing with my excessive anxiety well. They even give patients juice & crackers afterwards. I was really groggy the rest of the day despite a long nap, but am feeling much better today, though not yet back to normal. It's recommended that I have the procedure again next year, but that's a long time away.

        The diabetic doctor visit also went OK on Monday. My glucose was in the normal range & my weight was the same as it was in July. I hadn't lost any, but then I haven't gained any either. I had blood/lab tests done as well & haven't been notified of anything drastic, so that's a good sign... I return in 4 months, so I need to work harder on losing some weight before that time. He increased my insulin a bit, which seems to be lowering my recent upswing. Perhaps now that the stress of the colonoscopy is over, my system will settle down & stabilize. In any case, I'm just relieved that this week is over.