
  • winter antique show, pt. 2


        This was my absolute favorite item at the show. A pteradactyl  planter! I'm sure it's intended to be dragons, but the Art Deco style makes them look more like the flying dinosaurs, plus it's in my favorite colors;blue & green. Since everything on the
    table was in the triple digits, I didn't bother looking at the price, because I knew I couldn't afford it.
    While most of the booths at the
    antique show were of actual antiques, a couple had handmade items that
    fir the theme. The strangest was these chairs made out of doors
    salvaged from old house, cut & repainted. My sister thought they
    were just for decoration, but when we went past again there was a tall
    man sitting in one, so they are usable.
    Looking like something from a storybook, they would be great for a household with kids.
       What I could afford was a pretty glass insulator, which were used to hold wires on telegraph poles. I've long wanted one, but they are hard to find. I also got a little  lead horse, who obviously lost his rider along the way. He was galloping through a platoon of WW2 soldiers, looking out of place.  I know the front legs aren't quite right, but I really like the arch of his neck. They are both sitting on my windowsill. My sister did more intense shopping and even bought me a set of knight bookends that I've wanted since last summer. They are for my birthday next month, so I'll show you a photo when I get them. All around, it was a nice way to spend a cold winter day.

  • winter antique show, pt. 1

         Saturday, my sister & I went to an antique show at a local high school. It was her alma mater, so she was interested in how it had changed. Smaller than the outdoor shows, there was still a lot to see. There wasn't as much furniture or farm implements, due to lack of space, so it was mostly decorative items, china and jewelry in a wide variety of styles. Some of the items were so large, you'd need a huge table just to hold them. Perhaps they were intended to have their own pedestal in a marble foyer?  
        I was pleased to see lots of animal themed stuff, that's what I mostly photographed. Loads of chickens in various media. There was an abundance of planters in various animals, the cutest being a bear cub on a log. This was one I liked a lot, Art Deco ducks with matching planter. I usually don't go for the color pink, but this was appealing for some reason.
       The same vendor had a large bull, in blue glass, it must've been 2 feet long. Across the room, another person had a reclining brass bison about the same size. Had either dropped on you, they'd have done some damage.

         Stay tuned to my next entry for more photos, including my favorite item of the show, as well as my purchases.

  • antique show by the lake

            BAS-glass bowls, close

       Surprisingly enough, I had gotten well enough by Saturday to go with my sister to antique show in a park by Lake Erie. It was years since I'd gone to this one & my sister had never been, so we set out on a perfect summer day; hot but not muggy, with a cool breeze.There was plenty of tables, but not as many customers as expected, so it was easy to get close to everything.

      BAS-knight bookend                                                                                

       Since I'm on a small budget, I couldn't buy much of what caught my eye, so I took photos. Colored glass is always what I like best at antique shows, but I also found some medival themed objects yesterday, most notably these bookends with a knight in shining armour. The seller would only take $5 off, so they remained out of reach. I even found a light that matched. One of my favorite things is a series of ceramic rabbits dressed in various outfits from Merry Olde England. BAS-rabbit in court They are about 4 inches high & ridiculously expensive. But I always love to check out the characters & outfits and yesterday saw some I hadn't before, such as one wearing lederhosen & another in a shamrock waistcoat.This legal rabbit is one of my favorites.


       There was some weird stuff on display: large sculptures of eagles & panthers, barstools made of tin with Bicentenial designs, ceramic bowls with unexplained openings, a set of cannisters shaped like mushrooms.

    BAS-mushroom cannisters


     My sister likes watches & clocks, which is ironic for someone who is always late. Plus she is constantly aquiring old purses that she never seems to use. Yesterday she added one of each to her "collections". She had her eye on some table lamps with Baroque shepherdesses, but managed to resist. I spent less than $20 for a couple bags of marbles, a field guide to African birds & a few Beanie Baby stuffed animals(squirrel, frog, rhino). But it was a pleasant day meandering among old & fascinating objects, wondering about their history & the people who owned them before.