February 23, 2008

  • winter antique show, pt. 2


        This was my absolute favorite item at the show. A pteradactyl  planter! I'm sure it's intended to be dragons, but the Art Deco style makes them look more like the flying dinosaurs, plus it's in my favorite colors;blue & green. Since everything on the
    table was in the triple digits, I didn't bother looking at the price, because I knew I couldn't afford it.
    While most of the booths at the
    antique show were of actual antiques, a couple had handmade items that
    fir the theme. The strangest was these chairs made out of doors
    salvaged from old house, cut & repainted. My sister thought they
    were just for decoration, but when we went past again there was a tall
    man sitting in one, so they are usable.
    Looking like something from a storybook, they would be great for a household with kids.
       What I could afford was a pretty glass insulator, which were used to hold wires on telegraph poles. I've long wanted one, but they are hard to find. I also got a little  lead horse, who obviously lost his rider along the way. He was galloping through a platoon of WW2 soldiers, looking out of place.  I know the front legs aren't quite right, but I really like the arch of his neck. They are both sitting on my windowsill. My sister did more intense shopping and even bought me a set of knight bookends that I've wanted since last summer. They are for my birthday next month, so I'll show you a photo when I get them. All around, it was a nice way to spend a cold winter day.

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