November 4, 2010

  • busy week

    Well, the election did not go as well as I'd hoped, since a lot of Republicans won. But at least some of the really wacky ones lost, for which I'm thankful. The Republican leaders in Congress have said their main focus would be "to make certain Obama was a 1 term president", so that doesn't sound as if they plan on getting much done. That's not good news for the country, to have one party thinking their main job is revenge and obstruction.
    I'm busy getting last minute things done for my 2nd craft show of the season, which is this Saturday. It's at St. Angela's Church which is a ten minute drive from my home. I've been there as a customer, but this will be my first time as a vendor. last year, the crafters said they did well, especially in the morning, which was busy. There's at least 4 other craft shows besides that one, all within a few miles of each other. I'm sure some people will go from one to another, but I guess it would depend on how dedicated a shopper a person is. I've got some new cloth with tiny pine cones on that will be across the middle of my table & I'm taking actual pine cones as well, to scatter around & emphasize the winter wilderness effect. I'm hoping it's not rainy or too cold, though I'm dressing warmly just in case. At the last show, in Oct. I did better than I'd hope, so fingers crossed that this one is profitable as well. In any case, I'll be back next week with a report from it.....

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