Month: March 2021

  • introducing Basil

    Basil pet shop, front on (Small)
    On Feb. 23rd, after my sister was at the hair salon, she surprised me by going to a pet shop & sending me pics of the guinea pigs they had. There was a baby Abyssinian(the kind with mussed fur) we both were drawn to and we agree he was the one. So I finally got a new piggy! I named him Basil, after the amateur archeologist who discovered Sutton Hoo in Britain, portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in the new move "The Dig". He was 8 weeks old and would fit in one hand. The first evening he hid for awhile & then came out to explore, but was skittish whenever I moved.
    Since then, he's gotten over some of his nervousness, discovered that veggies are yummy and has grown increasingly interactive with me. He's silly as all piggies are, but shows some traits unique to himself. He's very curious and rambunctious and always seems to be busy. He loves to eat hay and beefsteak tomatoes. He's grown a little bit in the month I've had him, how much depends on what angle I'm looking at him, but he's still pretty small. The colors and swirls in his fur are fascinating and makes him one of the cutest piggies I've ever seen.
    While I would've liked a new piggy sooner, Basil was worth waiting for. I'm enjoying learning about his personality and seeing him grow. He makes me smile and I spend so much time watching his antics. Without a pet, there is a dimension of my life that is missing and a fulfilment in having Basil and lavishing him with love and attention.