Month: May 2022

  • all the news in May

    Lilacs, vert 5-9-22 (Small)
    With the car running now, I'm enjoying using the curbside pickup options which is available at most stores & restaurants. I've taken over grocery shopping for myself, giving my sister a well deserved break. She still has to get my prescriptions though, since my pharmacy does not have curbside options. I can now also get take out food, something my sister is resistant to for some unknown reason, so have been enjoying more dietary variety. I also got to go smell some lilacs n a corner of someone's yard a few blocks from here. I missed them for a couple years, which was disappointing, as their smell is the essence of spring. This year I even took some photos of them.
    At the beginning of the month, I took Basil to the vet to get his nails trimmed, as they had started interfering with his walking and learned of a bunch of other problems while I was there. He was running a fever and had blood in his urine, all of which was alarming. The vet gave me a couple kinds of meds, including Baytil liquid antibiotics. he liked the berry flavor of that for about a week & then did not want any more, even though we had to do the twice per day routine for awhile longer. In the end, it was all worth it, as the vet was extremely pleased with his progress on the last visit & even commented on how much more feisty he was than the earlier time. He's been very bouncy since returning to full health, which is wonderful to see.
    There's also been some news on the art front. Someone I know on Facebook asked if I could do a picture of hummingbirds for her mom for a Christmas gift & I agreed. I'm still working out some of the details, but will start it soon. The same person wants a picture of manatees and that one I have all figured out, but since there's no deadline, I should really do the birds first. After not doing any shows since the pandemic began, I received word that the Cold-Blooded Creations Show is being held again this August. I always ship my paintings down to Florida for it. I even have a new picture, the Indian star tortoise that I did last year in pen & ink. So I'll get that framed & send it along with a couple older paintings. I'm please that part of my life has been reactivated again.
    So despite disturbing news in the world at large, there have been positive developments in my own little corner, which is pleasing and feels hopeful.